.net resources

for an excentric world

Basic Collapsable Panel
Title Text
The control can contain anything that a regular panel control can contain.

Demo Code from Above
<ew:CollapsablePanel id="cpDemo1" TitleText="Title Text" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CssClass="demoContent" runat="server">
   The control can contain anything that a regular panel control can contain.
   <asp:TextBox ID="tbDemo1" runat="server" />
   <asp:Button ID="btnDemo1" Text="Postback" runat="server" />
Nested Sliding Collapsable Panels with Images
Nested Sliding - 1
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.
Nested Sliding - 2
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.
This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.

Demo Code from Above
<ew:CollapsablePanel id="cpDemo2_1" TitleText="Nested Sliding - 1" AllowSliding="true" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CssClass="demoContent" AllowTitleExpandCollapse="true" ExpandImageUrl="~/images/expand.gif" CollapseImageUrl="~/images/collapse.gif" runat="server">
   This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
   This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
   <ew:CollapsablePanel id="cpDemo2_2" TitleText="Nested Sliding - 2" AllowSliding="true" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CssClass="demoContent" AllowTitleRowExpandCollapse="true" runat="server">
      This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
      This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
      This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
      This is just a bunch of filler content to show that the panel works well when nested and has sliding enabled.<br />
Grouped Collapsable Panels
+ Me
+ You
+ Him
+ Her

Demo Code from Above
<ew:CollapsablePanel runat="server" id="cpDemo1Folders" AllowSliding="True" ShowLinkOrImage="False" TitleText="Folders" AllowTitleRowExpandCollapse="True" AllowTitleExpandCollapse="False" TitleStyleContainerMode="TitleOnly" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CollapsedTitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitleCollapsed" CssClass="demoContent" GroupName="Demo1">
   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="apInner">
            + <a href="#">Inbox</a><br>
            + <a href="#">Sent Items</a><br>
            + <a href="#">Deleted Items</a><br>
            + <a href="#">Outbox</a>
<ew:CollapsablePanel runat="server" id="cpDemo1Calendar" AllowSliding="True" ShowLinkOrImage="False" TitleText="Calendar" AllowTitleRowExpandCollapse="True" AllowTitleExpandCollapse="False" TitleStyleContainerMode="TitleOnly" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CollapsedTitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitleCollapsed" CssClass="demoContent" Collapsed="True" GroupName="Demo1">
   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="apInner">
            + <a href="#">Today</a><br>
            + <a href="#">This Week</a><br>
            + <a href="#">This Month</a><br>
            + <a href="#">This Year</a>
<ew:CollapsablePanel runat="server" id="cpDemo1Contac" AllowSliding="True" ShowLinkOrImage="False" TitleText="Contacts" AllowTitleRowExpandCollapse="True" AllowTitleExpandCollapse="False" TitleStyleContainerMode="TitleOnly" TitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitle" CollapsedTitleStyle-CssClass="demoTitleCollapsed" CssClass="demoContent" Collapsed="True" GroupName="Demo1">
   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="apInner">
            + <a href="#">Me</a><br>
            + <a href="#">You</a><br>
            + <a href="#">Him</a><br>
            + <a href="#">Her</a>



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