eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

System.IO Woes

March 3, 2004 22:51 by matthaw

I've been working on a Web Deployer windows application the last week or so, and everything was working great until I refactored some code the other night.  In a separate thread, I'm traversing through a directory (and subdirectories) getting the size of all the files needing to be copied.  Just after that, I start traversing through that same directory, attempting to copy the file to a destination. However, after refactoring code into 1 method for all the traversing, I've been unable to copy any of the files, and am getting a "The process cannot access the file ... because it is being used by another process."

If you have any idea or could help me out, that would be great.

Categories: .NET
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MSDN Connections

March 1, 2004 18:37 by matthaw
As Frank stated, MSDN Connections (Australia) is up and running.  However, when I tried to register, it told me that I must change my country to Australia to get into it.  Well, since I don't live in Australia, I don't want to do that, so I guess for the masses, we'll have to wait until MSDN Connections is available for the US or other countries.

Categories: .NET
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