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Ramblings of Matt

WikiPlex 2.0 Released

November 9, 2010 12:28 by matthaw
In addition to blogging, I'm also using Twitter. Follow me @matthawley


WikiPlex has hit another major milestone with this release. Since releasing version 1.4, I really started off by adding several new features preparing for what would be a 1.5 release. However, as I took a look at the implementation of WikiPlex, I realized that it needed a bit of love to make the API more consistent for both it's own consumption, but also for the end-user developer. So, with that - upgrading to version 2.0 from 1.x is not a simple xcopy deployment of the new DLL as the entry point has slightly changed, as well as a bit of namespace restructuring (more on both later). Because of these breaking changes, it was time for WikiPlex to turn 2.

  1. Breaking Changes from v1.x
    1. All renderers have been moved into the namespace WikiPlex.Formatting.Renderers from WikiPlex.Formatting. This also includes the IRenderer interface.
    2. The following interfaces have been removed: IMacroCompiler, IMacroParser, and IFormatter. Ultimately, there was no reason to have interfaces for these other than for unit testing purposes.
    3. The classes MacroParser and MacroFormatter have been renamed to Parser and Formatter, respectively.
  2. New Features
    1. There is a new base Renderer class that encapsulates and simplifies common implementations. See the updated documentation for more information about this new implementation. Additionally, you can browse the WikiPlex source for more concrete examples.
    2. Ordered and Unordered lists can now be interleaved.
      • For example: level one can be Ordered items while level two can be Unordered items, etc.
      • The macros OrderedListMacro and UnorderedListMacro have been merged into a single ListMacro.
      • Intermixing of different list types on the same level is unsupported.
    3. Images can now contain height and width parameters on the image resource.
      • Similarly to other macros, they're specified as "http://foo.com/image.gif,height=220,width=380".
      • You can use any unit type - ie Pixel, Percent, etc.
    4. A new multi-line indentation macro was added with the syntax of :{ . :} so that content that normally spanned multiple lines (tables, lists, etc) can be indented.
      • The :{ and :} need to be placed on separate lines encapsulating the content.
      • You can have N number of colons to indicate level of indentation.
      • The number of starting and ending colons must match in order for the macro to be valid.
    5. Headings can now be indented on a single line by simply specifying the indentation macro, ie ": ! Heading"
    6. Two new overloads were added to IWikiEngine that accept an IEnumerable<IRenderer>. This is an exclusive list the engine will use to format, similarly to overload that takes macros.
    7. The ScopeRendered event on Formatter now also includes RendredContent.
    8. The sample application now supports unicode characters as internal wiki page links.

You can find more information about this release by visiting the project homepage. Go and get it now either by NuGet or via CodePlex!

WikiPlex v1.3 Released

March 11, 2010 17:53 by matthaw
In addition to blogging, I'm also using Twitter. Follow me @matthawley


It's been a many months since the last release of WikiPlex, but its only because there hasn't been a lot of churn recently.  I've very happy where WikiPlex is at, and it continues to be a very integral part of the CodePlex website!


Here's what you'll find in WikiPlex v1.3:

  1. Documentation - This new documentation includes
    1. Full Markup Guide with Examples
    2. Articles on Extending WikiPlex
    3. API Documentation
  2. Video Macro - This macro was updated to support Channel9 Videos.
  3. Syntax Highlight Support - One more language has been included:
    1. {code:powershell} ... Your Powershell Code ... {code:powershell

This time I did what I promised two releases ago, provided some good documentation. I even went so far as creating another open-source project called WikiMaml which will take wiki syntax and convert it to Sandcastle MAML output. The project isn't full proof, and not where I want it to end up, but it is working great within WikiPlex to generate all of the non-API documentation. As always, if you have any ideas for new macros or extensibility points, please post them in the issue tracker and I'll make sure to look at them!

Now, go and download WikiPlex v1.3!

WikiPlex v1.2 Released

October 8, 2009 13:46 by matthaw

It's been a few months since the last release of WikiPlex, but I honestly have good reasons - paternity leave! This updated version has taken in a lot of user feedback and put it into action - so thank you for contributing ideas. Since the last release, there's been a steady download of the binaries/source code on a day-to-day basis, and am very happy where it is in the ecosystem.


Here's what you'll find in WikiPlex v1.2:

  1. Indentation Macro - This new macro adds support for blockquote indentation. Utilize it similar to the ordered/unordered list macros with the colon character. See this documentation for an example on how to use it.
  2. Silverlight Macro - This macro was updated to support:
    1. Any type of height/width unit (px, pc, pt, em, %, etc).
    2. Require Silverlight 3 as the default. You can optionally revert back to Silverlight 2 with the version=2 parameter.
    3. Support for initialization parameters by supplying any additional key/value parameters in the macro
  3. Video Macro - This macro was updated to support:
    1. A height/width supporting any type (px, pc, pt, em %, etc)
    2. Videos will not auto-start by default.
    3. Soapbox support has been removed
  4. Syntax Highlight Support - Two more languages have been included:
    1. {code:c++} ...Your C++ Code... {code:c++}
    2. {code:java} ...Your Java Code... {code:java}
  5. Updated Sample Application - A WebForms variant was added to the sample application. It can be found under the /WebForms directory.

Unfortunately, I didn't get around to documenting the API, but I've not heard of anyone commenting they can't figure it out - so maybe it'll still happen sometime in the future. As always, if you have any ideas for new macros or extensibility points, please post them in the issue tracker and I'll make sure to look at them!


Now, go and download WikiPlex v1.2! Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter @matthawley


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WikiPlex v1.1 Released

August 4, 2009 18:31 by matthaw

It's only been a few weeks since the v1.0 release, but a lot of work has gone into a new release of CodePlex's embeddable wiki engine, WikiPlex. The time in between has not been without a few highlights, including (detailed stats):

  • Over 500 combined downloads of the v1.0 engine and sample application
  • Roughly 175 downloads of the source code (not including SVN enlistments)
  • Over 8000 page views / 2200 visits of the project site
  • SoftPedia picking up WikiPlex (Download WikiPlex Free Open Source Wiki Engine from Microsoft)
  • WikiPlex being already integrated in several projects (SWiki / Umbraco)

I didn't have a long-term plan for revamping the wiki engine (I actually still don't!), but I did have several focuses for the short term that I wanted to achieve, including Mono compatibility, refactoring the macro parsing to enable more extensibility into the engine, and general "clean-up" tasks that I've been wanting to do. So, what's new in v1.1?

  1. Mono Compatibility - The WikiPlex source has been tested against the release of Mono running on Linux. The source cleanly compiles and runs the sample application (note: you do still have to setup your own database for this). The only remaining issues running the sample application on Mono are ASP.NET MVC / Mono bugs.
  2. Scope Augmenters - Scope Augmenters allow changing the resulting scopes prior to rendering based on a macro mapping. Previously - the Table, Ordered List, and Unordered List scope augmentation were hard-coded into the MacroParser. With this release, you can now add your own augmenters to fully control the rendering of WikiPlex.
  3. Syndicated Feeds - The entire WCF syndication API was removed in lieu of utilizing a simpler, customized syndication framework. The main reasons for this change included: Mono currently not supporting this API and supporting the odd Google Atom specification. Aside from these internal changes, the macro was expanded so that it now supports {rss:url=...}, {feed:url=...}, and {atom:url=...} matching. No matter which format you use, the renderer will still choose the appropriate syndication reader (ie, you can specify rss for an atom feed, and vice versa).
  4. Sample Download - To be honest, I never opened the sample project from the .zip file, and so I never realized the state that it was in. Be it missing files, incorrect references, whatever - everything is fixed now! Along with that, several people have indicated that they didn't have SQL 2008 Express installed, so within the App_Data directory, there's a Wiki.sql file that you can execute on your local SQL server to create the sample tables/data (oh, and don't forget to change your connection string).
  5. Invalid Syntax Highlight Code Blocks - Previously, if someone supplied a {code:xxx} block that didn't match any of the supported languages, their source code would not be formatted as code. In v1.1 this has been changed, as it'll fall back to the non-syntax highlighted display of the code if it cannot find the language.
  6. Namespace Cleanup - This should only affect advanced users of the wiki engine. Below is a list of the changes:
    1. ScopeName was moved from WikiPlex.Common to WikiPlex
    2. IXmlDocumentReader and XmlDocumentReader were moved from WikiPlex.Common to WikiPlex.Syndication

One item that is still on my plate, is actually spending some time documenting the API and producing a help file. Hopefully, the API isn't too difficult to understand, but I realize that it's somewhat necessary when it comes to implementing the engine within your application. Regardless, I feel that the engine is pretty close to where it needs to be regarding usability and extensibility. If you have any ideas for new macros or extensibility points, please post them in the issue tracker and I'll make sure to look at them!


With that said, I give you WikiPlex v1.1 (go and download it now!) Also, follow me on Twitter @matthawley


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Extending WikiPlex with Custom Renderers

July 30, 2009 13:22 by matthaw

Following up from my prior post on Extending WikiPlex with Custom Macros it's now time to talk about creating custom renderers. When we left off, we had created our title link macro and registered it with WikiPlex. If you had attempted to utilize the new macro in wiki content, you'd get the message "Cannot resolve macro, as no renderers were found." instead of a hyperlink. This was the expected behavior, because while you had identified your new scope via parsing, you were missing that critical link of turning the scope into actual content. Let's take a look at our scenario again to refresh what we're trying to achieve:


We would like to integrate WikiPlex into an existing application. The idea is to allow a user contributed area specifically for wiki content. The user should be allowed to use all out-of-the-box macros provided, but also have the ability to have inter-wiki links with the format of [Title of Page]. As you probably realized, there is currently no macro/renderer that will take that content and turn it into a inter-wiki link, so we'll have to extend WikiPlex adding this functionality.

Create a Renderer

Creating a renderer is actually the easiest portion of defining new wiki syntaxes, as it's as complicated as you need to make it. Again, a renderer simply takes in a scope (which is a contextual identifier), processes the content, and returns new content. Let's get started - so in your solution, create a class called TitleLinkRenderer and extend it from WikiPlex.Formatting.IRenderer. You'll then implement the members it requires (Id, CanExpand and Expand). The Id value is simply a string that is used as a key for static renderer registration, so it should be unique (follow the same rule of thumb for naming as the macros).


Next, you'll implement the CanExpand method. This method simply takes in a scope name and returns a boolean value indicating if this renderer can expand (or render) the scope successfully. As the formatter is processing all scopes, it goes through the list of renderers in the formatter and finds the first match that can expand that particular scope. There is no guarantee of the order of checking renderers, so always unregister a renderer you're overriding its implementation for. As you'll see below, the CanExpand method is fairly trivial, however should your renderer support a number of scopes, you'll need to change this code to include all of them.

public bool CanExpand(string scopeName)
   return scopeName == WikiScopeName.WikiLink;

Next, you'll implement the Expand method. This method will take in a scope name, the related input from the wiki source, and html / attribute encoding functions. The reason we're passing in html / attribute encoding functions, is so that you can utilize a consistent encoding scheme across all of the renderers. Out of the box, WikiPlex uses HttpUtility.HtmlEncode and HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode, but by creating & supplying your own formatter, you can change these to use another library (like AntiXss). As previously stated, rendering is as hard as you need it to be. In the sample application example, we're just rendering a link utilizing the ASP.NET MVC UrlHelper (which is supplied via the constructor).

private const string LinkFormat = "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>";

public string Expand(string scopeName, string input,
                     Func<string, string> htmlEncode, 
                     Func<string, string> attributeEncode)
   string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("Default", new { slug = SlugHelper.Generate(input) });
   return string.Format(LinkFormat, attributeEncode(url), htmlEncode(input));

And now you have created your renderer, however it will still not be picked up when rendering your wiki content as you need to register the renderer with WikiPlex.


Registering a Renderer

Just as registering a macro, you have a static and a dynamic way to register your renderers. If your renderer requires only static dependencies (or no external runtime dependencies), you should opt for statically registering your renderer. To do this, have the following code in your application startup method


When you call the WikiEngine.Render("content"), it will automatically pick up all statically defined renderers and use them when formatting your scopes. As previously stated, if you have external runtime dependencies (like in our example), a little bit of extra work is required when calling WikiEngine.Render - as you'll need to pass in a MacroFormatter instead. However, if you utilize the overload to only take in a formatter, you'll need to union the statically defined renderers with yours.

private MacroFormatter GetFormatter()
   var siteRenderers = new IRenderer[] {new TitleLinkRenderer(Url)};
   IEnumerable<IRenderer> allRenderers = Renderers.All.Union(siteRenderers);
   return new MacroFormatter(allRenderers);

Now, when you call WikiEngine.Render, you'll utilize the overload that takes in an IFormatter as a parameter. After you've set all of this up, try re-loading your page and you should see your syntax of [Title Link] be converted into the html <a href="/title-link">Title Link</a>.



You now have a new fully functioning macro syntax. Obviously, this example is trivial - but I guarantee if you embed WikiPlex into your application and need any cross-page linking, you'll utilize this macro & renderer. Again, the possibilities are endless with what you can do, so long as you have a syntax, regex, and rendering code - you can allow your users to simply include expansive macros.


Download WikiPlex now!


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MEF + Factories

November 27, 2008 13:47 by matthaw

Lately I've been really digging into MEF and have been looking at it's pros & cons, ease of use, extensibility, and the simple DI container that it can provide. I'm not going to give an overview of MEF, as others have done so already. What I am here to show off is a concept that may prove useful for some applications. Many of us use a DI container in very simplistic ways, as well as registering injection strategies during type resolution. If you have no needs of this latter, MEF is very simple and easily fits into your current architecture by not having to change anything but decorating things. For example:

   1:  public interface IUserService { }
   3:  [Export(typeof(IUserService))]
   4:  [CompositionOptions(CreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.Factory)]
   5:  public class UserService : IUserService { }
   7:  [Export]
   8:  public class UserController {
   9:     [ImportingConstructor]
  10:     public UserController(IUserService userService) { }
  11:  }

At MEF's simplistic nature, you see that during construction, our exported services are being imported for us, but only because we don't care about it's construction and assume that generic construction will work. So when we call resolve UserController using MEF, it'll create and inject a new instance of UserService for us.


Now, say we have a need where the construction of IUserService needs to go through a factory. For instance, maybe IUserService is a WCF endpoint, and you have custom logic built into properly constructing the proxy endpoint. Well, MEF can solve this issue for you by exporting methods, but what you have to do is ultimately change your code and have 2 constructors.

   1:  public interface IUserService { }
   3:  // in your application
   4:  [Export(typeof(IUserService))]
   5:  public IUserService ConstructUserService() { return ... }
   7:  [Export]
   8:  public class UserController {
   9:     [ImportingConstructor]
  10:     public UserController([Import(typeof(IUserService))] Func<IUserService> serviceMethod)
  11:         : this(serviceMethod())
  12:     { }
  14:     public UserController(IUserService userService) { }
  15:  }

As you can see, it's not that nice. We need both constructors because one is used in production and one is used for testability. It ultimately leads to a lot of confusion as to why we need it. So, with that in mind, I set out to determine how this pattern could be achieved using MEF, but also provide a seamless transition from a DI world to MEF. Enter, FactoryPartCatalog:

   1:  public class FactoryPartCatalog<T> : ComposablePartCatalog {
   2:     public FactoryPartCatalog(Func<Type, T> resolutionMethod) { }
   3:     public FactoryPartCatalog(Assembly assembly, Func<Type, T> resolutionMethod) { }
   4:     public FactoryPartCatalog(IEnumerable<Type> types, Func<Type, T> resolutionMethod) { }
   6:     public override IQueryable<ComposableDefinition> Parts { get { return ... } }
   7:  }

When we use this in our application, it brings back the simplicity of MEF. What it's doing during construction is looking through the assembly (first two constructors) to find all interfaces that implement type T. The interfaces that it finds will be created into ComposablePart's for MEF's container to utilize. Ultimately, when GetExportedObject<T> is called, it'll execute the resolution method you specified passing in the Type that was requested.


As you can see below, we're using a AggregatingComposablePartCatalog adding our new FactoryPartCatalog and AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog. We've told FactoryPartCatalog to look through the current assembly for all interfaces that derive from IService. Upon construction injection by MEF, it'll find that it's requesting an export of IUserService, find it in the FactoryPartCatalog, and call GetService(Type) to get it's instance.

   1:  public interface IService { }
   2:  public interface IUserService : IService { }
   4:  [Export]
   5:  public class UserController {
   6:     [ImportingConstructor]
   7:     public UserController(IUserService userService) { }
   8:  }
  10:  // in your application
  11:  private void Compose() {
  12:     var catalog = AggregatingComposablePartCatalog();
  13:     catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
  14:     catalog.Catalogs.Add(new FactoryPartCatalog<IService>(GetService);
  15:     var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
  16:     container.AddPart(this);
  17:     container.Compose();
  18:  }
  20:  public IService GetService(Type type) { return ... }

Now, there's a lot more code behind the scenes that is required to get a new Part Catalog up and running, but I'll leave that for you to check out in the downloadable source. As this is purely a proof of concept, I'm sure there's more simplifications or additions that can be added, but for getting this running out of the box in this manner, it works great!


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Categories: .NET | Development | MEF
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Plea for Help: WCF 404 Error

June 6, 2008 20:33 by matthaw

I'm putting out a plea for help. For some odd reason, we have a WCF service (running in IIS 6) that's using streaming and BasicHttpBinding that will return a 404 error message every time it's called from our client. Hitting the same URL on the box itself through IE renders the WSDL just fine. If you have seen this issue, please contact me. We've been struggling with this issue and have yet to find a resolution. BTW, it works great on another web server that is configured the same, and we've looked at all of the verbose logs WCF can give us. Ultimately, we're seeing the message being sent from the client, and a 404 in the IIS log, but nothing on the server logging. Thanks!

Categories: Development | .NET
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MVC Post-Redirect-Get Sample Updated

June 5, 2008 08:56 by matthaw

I took some time to look back at my MVC Post-Redirect-Get sample and see where it could be improved as well as update it to use the MVC Preview 3 bits. What I found, is again, the core concepts didn't change that much. However, there are some new enhancements that Preview 3 gave us that makes our life a little bit easier. I'll save the full implementation for you to download and checkout yourself, but I do want to highlight some of these enhancements that made the source easier to use.

1. NameValueCollectionExtensions.CopyTo - this made it very nice for me to take all of the posted form data and copy it into the TempData so that upon a redirect, I could extract it out and put it in ViewData.

   1:  if (!BaseValidator.Validate(HttpContext.Request, validators)) {
   2:     NameValueCollectionExtensions.CopyTo(Request.Form, TempData);
   3:     TempData["ErrorMessage"] = BuildErrorMessage(validators);
   4:     return RedirectToAction("Create");
   5:  }

2. I added an extension method for IDictionary to copy between a source and destination, primarily for copying my TempData to ViewData. This way there is no need to do a manual copy of TempData objects all over the place, and is more resilient to changes and additions within your views and controller actions. I'm hoping this makes it into the MVC stack at some point so we all don't have to write this code ourselves.

   1:  public static void CopyTo(this IDictionary<string, object> source, 
   2:                            IDictionary<string, object> destination)
   3:  {
   4:      foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in source)
   5:      {
   6:          if (!destination.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
   7:              destination.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
   8:      }
   9:  }

The above code allows us to simply call the following line of code

   1:  TempData.CopyTo(ViewData);

3. What you'll notice, is that now all of my data is within ViewData, I can start to utilize the built-in functionality added in Preview 3 where the form controls will attempt to extract an initial value from ViewData. This mechanism really brings back the concept of ViewState, except that there is really no overhead to do this! Here's how my form now looks

   1:  <%@ Import Namespace="PRG.Controllers" %>
   2:  <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
   3:  <% using (Html.Form<ProductsController>(c => c.Submit())) { %>
   4:      <h3>Create a New Product</h3>
   5:      Name: <%= Html.TextBox("Name") %><br />
   6:      Price: <%= Html.TextBox("Price") %><br />
   7:      Quantity: <%= Html.TextBox("Quantity") %><br />
   8:      <% if (ViewData["ErrorMessage"] != null) { %>
   9:          <br /><span style="color:red"><%= ViewData["ErrorMessage"] %></span><br />
  10:      <% } %>
  11:      <br />
  12:      <%= Html.SubmitButton() %>
  13:  <% } %>
  14:  </asp:Content>

4. While this next item isn't specifically related to Preview 3, it is a change from my last sample. Previously, I was doing all of my manual validations inline on the server, and it wasn't pretty. As you've probably been reading, I've been making some improvements to the MVC Validation within MvcContrib, and I decided I'd bring in that codebase to this sample. However, to truly show the full PRG pattern, I needed my form to post and alert me that there are errors on the page rather than relying upon client side validation; so I'm simply using the validator objects & server validation. In the next coming weeks, I'll be making another update to MvcContrib to do model based validation. I'll leave this code for your viewing or other examples on my blog.

And that's the updated sample. You can downloaded the latest bits from here. Please let me know what you think and anything else you would do to change this. As each iteration of the MVC framework is released, the sample gets easier and easier! Hope you enjoy this.

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Using SubDataItems and View User Controls in ASP.NET MVC

June 4, 2008 08:46 by matthaw

Prior to the preview 3 release of ASP.NET MVC, whenever you wanted to pass data to your view user controls, you only had the option of passing a specific object, or using it's parent's view data. This was all great, and it worked wonderfully, but the problem existed that your view user control would always be dependant upon some parent view data. ASP.NET MVC preview 3 introduced the concept of SubDataItems off of ViewDataDictionary in which you could specify a keyed ViewDataDictionary to use. This helps in the true separation of your view user controls, or child views, and will hopefully later lead into more interesting solutions such as sub-controllers. So lets get into an example.

Hold It! Yeah, we have to patch the MVC framework first before doing anything further. I've logged a bug with the ASP.NET MVC team regarding this, and it's unfortunate to say that this shouldn't have slipped through - but that's what you get without test cases. But I digress. Okay, open the MVC Preview 3 source and open the file "System.Web.Mvc/Mvc/Extensions/UserControlExtensions.cs". Go to the "DoRendering" method, and replace the if block starting on line 127 with the following:

   1:  if (controlData != null) {
   2:      instance.ViewData.Model = controlData;
   3:  }
   4:  else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.SubDataKey)) {
   5:      instance.ViewData = context.ViewData.SubDataItems[instance.SubDataKey];
   6:  }
   7:  else {
   8:      instance.ViewData = context.ViewData;
   9:  }


Okay, onto the example. Say you have a product detail on your website, and you need to display the product information on the listing page as well as on the order summary page. Because we want to display the same information in the same way on each page, it leads us into using a ViewUserControl. There's other information listed on each page itself, so there is definitely no need to create or duplicate our view data model object just for display purposes. First, we should define our model.

   1:  public class Product
   2:  {
   3:      public Product(int id, string name, decimal price)
   4:      {
   5:          Id = id;
   6:          Name = name;
   7:          Price = price;
   8:      }
  10:      public int Id { get; set; }
  11:      public string Name { get; set; }
  12:      public decimal Price { get; set; }
  13:  }

Next, let's work on our controllers. To show the true separation, I'll have both a ProductController and OrderController.

   1:  public class ProductController : Controller
   2:  {
   3:      public ActionResult Index()
   4:      {
   5:          ViewData["Category"] = "Bicycles";
   6:          ViewData["SubCategory"] = "Mountain Bikes";
   8:          Product product = new Product(1, "16 Speed", 499.99m);
  10:          ViewDataDictionary<Product> subViewData = 
  11:                    new ViewDataDictionary<Product>(product);
  12:          subViewData["ShippingCost"] = 24.99m;
  13:          ViewData.SubDataItems.Add("ProductData", subViewData);
  15:          return View();
  16:      }
  17:  }
  19:  public class OrderController : Controller
  20:  {
  21:      public ActionResult Index()
  22:      {
  23:          Product product = new Product(1, "16 Speed", 499.99m);
  24:          decimal shipping = 24.99m;
  25:          decimal tax = (product.Price * .08m);
  26:          decimal total = product.Price + shipping + tax;
  28:          ViewData["OrderAmount"] = product.Price;
  29:          ViewData["Tax"] = tax;
  30:          ViewData["Total"] = total;
  32:          ViewDataDictionary<Product> subViewData = 
  33:                     new ViewDataDictionary<Product>(product);
  34:          subViewData["ShippingCost"] = shipping;
  35:          ViewData.SubDataItems.Add("ProductData", subViewData);
  37:          return View();
  38:      }
  39:  }

As you can see, within both of the controller actions, I'm creating a new instance of a ViewDataDictionary<Product> and adding it to the ViewData.SubDataItems. This will allow me to later extract that specific ViewDataDictionary when rendering the ViewUserControl. Granted, this scenario is very rudimentary - but I wanted to show that each action / view has it's own data, but wanted to show the "sharing" of the SubDataItem data. Now, we implement our ViewUserControl (I won't show the HTML for this, it's in the download though). The ViewUserControl simply needs the following

   1:  public partial class ProductInfo 
   2:          : System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Models.Product> { }

Now, in both our Index views for product & order  we can call the helper method to render our view user control. Please note that within this, we're not specifying any control data (model) but we are specifying the SubDataKey. As you've probably figured out, that SubDataKey is the key the framework uses to extract the correct ViewDataDictionary to set on the ViewUserControl when rendering. Should you not specify a SubDataKey, it'll use the parent ViewDataDictionary - so in this case, our ViewPage's ViewDataDictionary.

   1:  <%= this.RenderUserControl("~/views/shared/ProductInfo.ascx", 
   2:                             null, 
   3:                             new { SubDataKey = "ProductData" }) %>

And that's it. Of course, SubDataItems can be used for other purposes like keeping your ViewData "componentized", but the best use for this so far is so that your ViewUserControl's can live without the knowledge or sharing of parent ViewPage's or ViewUserControl's. If you'd like the source for this demo, you can download it here. It already has the patched MVC assembly. Enjoy!

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RedirectToAction Nasty Bug in ASP.NET MVC Preview 3

June 2, 2008 22:04 by matthaw

We were converting the CodePlex application over to ASP.NET MVC Preview 3 today and found a nasty bug with RedirectToAction. In reality, the bug isn't so much around RedirectToAction, but a change they made internally to Routing. However, this seems to only happen in certain routing scenarios. Take the following routes:

   1:  routes.MapRoute("Login", "site/home/{action}",
   2:     new { controller = "session", action = "login" });
   3:  routes.MapRoute("User Info", "site/user/{action}",
   4:     new { controller = "user", action = "show" });

The problem crops up within your UserController actions when attempting to redirect to other UserController actions. For instance

   1:  public class UserController : Controller {
   2:     public ActionResult Show() { ... }
   3:     public ActionResult Create() {
   4:        return RedirectToAction("Show");
   5:     }
   6:  }

when line 4 is executed above, it attempts to redirect you to "~/site/home/foo". The reason is the change that was made is now trying to remove all the ambiguities by "assuming" things on the fly. Since the actionName overload of RedirectToAction doesn't take and doesn't supply the controller it cannot find the appropriate route. After a bit of convincing, the bug has been acknowledge but I make no guarantees if and when it'll be fixed in a future build - but in the mean time, you're stuck with

  1. Fixing the code yourself from the CodePlex source drop. This simply involves supplying the current executing controller's name in the route value dictionary.
  2. Use the RedirectToAction overload that takes both actionName and controllerName.
  3. Use my lambda expression based RedirectToAction which correctly sends both actionName and controllerName.

And, before anyone asks - why are you creating such complicated routing? Well, simple - simple routing equals a very simple application. Complex routing equals a pre-existing and well defined "RESTful based" urls that mean something when a user reads it.

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