eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Released: Excentrics World Server Controls v2.0.1

August 2, 2006 09:06 by matthaw

Unfortunately I had some decently nasty bugs crop up that couldn’t wait for v2.1 of my control set to come out. Because of that, I had to release v2.0.1 that contains the following fixes:

  • Fixed issue where AppendDataBoundItems had no effect when binding against the Multi-Text controls.
  • Fixed issue where posting back a page with the ListTransfer controls are present but not visible throws a NULL reference exception.
  • Fixed issue where determining the scrollLeft and scrollTop in IE was causing improper behavior when the page scrolled. This breaks the scrolling div fix for IE.
  • Fixed issue where disabling the CalendarPopup and TimePicker controls upon a postback with the Image displayed, didn't actually disable the image.
  • Fixed issue where it's possible to receive a NULL reference exception in the CalendarPopup or TimePicker when calling the Clear or Reset methods.

While I don’t normally do quick releases like this, I’d rather have a more solid product in the end. Unfortunately these items were not identified sooner and had to wait until the public took a crack at the RTM bits, but I digress. Official build number for this is

The updated version can be downloaded by visiting http://www.eworldui.net/Download.aspx

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