eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Website Transition

August 31, 2004 00:42 by matthaw

I just moved my site from my current hoster over to WebHost4Life and my DNS changes look like they're starting to propogate. So, if you notice any quirkiness in the next few days, that is why. Also, its quite possible any forum posts that were entered around the switchover time will be *lost* (actually, they won't be brought over).

Update: Downloading my controls and viewing my forums now works. Sorry to those who attempted to download the controls and couldn't. Thats what you get with a website transition.

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Global Controls in ASP.NET 2.0

August 30, 2004 01:59 by matthaw
So this just purely rocks. Not only will we only have to define it in 1 space, but we get intellisense too? Wow, I can't wait

Categories: .NET
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Context Menu -> Sub Menu Problem

August 27, 2004 00:40 by matthaw

So I ran into a bit of a speedbump this afternoon while working on Unleash It. I was trying to add menu items to a sub menu of a context menu for the Notify Icon (boy is that a mouthful to say (and also to write)). Well, it seems that there is a bit of a known bug that isn't broadly stated when creating sub-menu items dynamically...and that is that once you've created them, and try to recreate them, they never appear.

So, after a bit of googling, I came across this thread and determined that the easiest hack around this is to set your sub-menu's visibility to false then to true again. This, of course, was much easier than having to recreate the entire context menu, which is the other proposed solution.

So, if you've never ran across this problem before, make a mental note of this if you should ever happen to want to do something so remotely insane as me, or other people out there that do it as well.

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Configuration Error - Solved

August 24, 2004 23:04 by matthaw

For the last few days, I've been having the problem of "Configuration Error - Access is denied" in one of my web applications that I've been building. Well, today was the breaking point. After restarting my computer roughly 10 times in 45 minutes, I decided to google it. Alas, I found this KB article that explains why its happening and how to solve it.

The "quickie" fix for this is to go to Indexing Services and explicitly exclude the temporary ASP.NET folders from Index Services. Read the article to actually figure out how to do that, I'm assuming you can read more than 1 webpage since you're reading this.

I think this is going to be one of those "Must Do When Rebuild Machine" tasks that I'll forget to do, yes I did say forget. How often do you remember the peculiarities in your setup...

Categories: .NET
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Get OS Name and Version

August 24, 2004 00:26 by matthaw

Awhile ago, I had come across an article describing on how to get the current operating system version and name through .NET. While this article was great for Windows XP and prior OSes, it didn't really pan out too much for Windows 2003 Server and Longhorn. So after a bit of digging to determine the version numbers (thanks to Adam for getting me the current Longhorn version #) I was able to successfully map the correct versions/names. Here's my code:

private string GetOSName()
System.OperatingSystem os = System.Environment.OSVersion;
string osName = "Unknown";

case System.PlatformID.Win32Windows:
case 0:
osName = "Windows 95";
case 10:
osName = "Windows 98";
case 90:
osName = "Windows ME";
case System.PlatformID.Win32NT:
case 3:
osName = "Windws NT 3.51";
case 4:
osName = "Windows NT 4";
case 5:
if(os.Version.Minor == 0)
osName = "Windows 2000";
else if(os.Version.Minor == 1)
osName = "Windows XP";
else if(os.Version.Minor == 2)
osName = "Windows Server 2003";
case 6:
osName = "Longhorn";

return osName + ", " + os.Version.ToString();

Adam has also informed me that in Longhorn, or rather .NET 2.0, there is a new property that will return this for you, VersionString.

Categories: .NET
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No More Stored Procs!

August 20, 2004 22:07 by matthaw
This method is way better than using stored procedures, oh yeah. You can change them on the fly, and not even have to acess the database. Now, how to do inserts/updates/deletes...

Categories: .NET
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Bothered by the Olympics?

August 18, 2004 21:18 by matthaw

Exactly how bothered are you by the Olympics already? Well, there obviously is some people who just don't want to see anything about the Olympics.

Go to Yahoo, and over on the right hand column, check the "Hide Olympic results on this page" checkbox. Now, notice what happens, stuff dissapears dynamically. The really funny part is when it makes things dissapear from the bullet list of items just above it.

Thanks to my co-worker for pointing this out...now, back to my non-reading Olympic information only

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WebDeploy Rebranded!

August 16, 2004 18:02 by matthaw

The naming contest that has entertained me for the last week has finally come to an end. Over 50 name suggestions came through the pipeline, some duplicates, some hilarious, and some just great. However, one name stood out amongst the rest that was just perfect. After having some internal discussions with Jeff, Ryan, and Adam, we all pretty much came to the same conclusion, this was the name.

So, congratulations to Mike Mahon for submitting the winning name. WebDeploy will no longer be called as such, and will be officially known as "Unleash It". I've also been working on a few images for Unleash It, and here is the main logo that I will be using:

While webloggers that love and use Unleash It can support it by using the following image on their weblog/site:

Currently there is no release for Unleash It. I'm working on version 2.0 based off of WebDeploy's source, and won't be out for another week or two. At the same time I'll be launching a place on my site for information on Unleash It so anyone and everyone can see how things are progressing. Linkbacks from the images above should point to the site once it is up, however for right now just link to the Unleash It category on my weblog.

Again, thank you to all who submitted their ideas, and definitely a big congratulations to Mike Mahon for submitting such great ideas.

Categories: Unleash It
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Naming Contest Extension

August 12, 2004 18:11 by matthaw

I just realized that I'll be going out of town this weekend, and as such I won't be able to make my decision until I return. So, because of this circumstance, I will be extending the WebDeploy Naming Contest until Sunday, August 15, 2004 at 11:59 PM CST.

More and more suggestions come in everyday, so don't let your idea get overlooked.

Submit Now! | Get More Info

Categories: Unleash It
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Is there a new problem with .Text?

August 12, 2004 15:07 by matthaw

Err... I mean Community Server :: Blogs...

Anyway, has anyone else noticed the amount of trackbacks in our feedback section of the admin? It looks like every link that goes out from our comments is added as a trackback. Now, I'm not too keen on trackbacks, but I know these are truly not trackbacks because no where on the site listed is a mentioning of my blog post. Anyone have any idea whats up with that?

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