eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

WikiPlex v1.3 Released

March 11, 2010 17:53 by matthaw
In addition to blogging, I'm also using Twitter. Follow me @matthawley


It's been a many months since the last release of WikiPlex, but its only because there hasn't been a lot of churn recently.  I've very happy where WikiPlex is at, and it continues to be a very integral part of the CodePlex website!


Here's what you'll find in WikiPlex v1.3:

  1. Documentation - This new documentation includes
    1. Full Markup Guide with Examples
    2. Articles on Extending WikiPlex
    3. API Documentation
  2. Video Macro - This macro was updated to support Channel9 Videos.
  3. Syntax Highlight Support - One more language has been included:
    1. {code:powershell} ... Your Powershell Code ... {code:powershell

This time I did what I promised two releases ago, provided some good documentation. I even went so far as creating another open-source project called WikiMaml which will take wiki syntax and convert it to Sandcastle MAML output. The project isn't full proof, and not where I want it to end up, but it is working great within WikiPlex to generate all of the non-API documentation. As always, if you have any ideas for new macros or extensibility points, please post them in the issue tracker and I'll make sure to look at them!

Now, go and download WikiPlex v1.3!


March 11. 2010 19:57

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WikiPlex v1.3 Released - eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley


March 12. 2010 02:35

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