eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Plugin Release: NewsGator NNTP Plugin v0.3

January 28, 2004 00:04 by matthaw
Version 0.3 of the NewsGator NNTP Plugin to allow posting to newsgroups has been released. This version includes a tight integration with NewsGator subscriptions, however password prompting is still necessary for server authentication (if required). Due to the integration, the configuration screens for servers and their newsgroups have been removed. This version also tweaked the HTML cleanup to represent messages more accurately.

This version also includes an extension to NewsGator, that appends required information to the post when processing feeds from newsgroups. This allows for a no prompt reply (unless needing to authenticate) to the newsgroup. A big thanks goes out to Greg for his help on the extension, as I'm not an avid Outlook programmer.

Plans for the next version include no prompting for passwords to authenticated newsgroups and a 1.0 branding of the plugin.

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NNTP Plugin Close to New Release

January 26, 2004 20:06 by matthaw
I've been working very closely with Greg at NewsGator to integrate the NNTP Plugin more closely with NewsGator over the last few days. This morning I was able to put the integration with NewsGator subscriptions and posting, eliminating the need to setup your servers manually. Although this is close to release, I'm waiting on some more help from Greg to help when needing to authenticate to the news server. My gut feeling is that once that code is in place, I will be releasing this as v1.0. So, stay tuned for more updates.

Plugin Release: NewsGator NNTP Plugin v0.2

January 23, 2004 00:33 by matthaw

Version 0.2 of the NewsGator NNTP Plugin to allow posting to newsgroups has been released.  This version includes major UI enhancements and allows for more flexibility.  This version also includes Authentication with your NNTP server, or basic Anonymous access.  New support for setting up multiple news servers and newsgroups included, with the ability to choose your server and newsgroup upon each post.  I also tweaked the HTML cleanup so it doesn't remove any line breaks when posting.  Download and update your version now!

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Plugin Release: NNTP Posting from NewsGator v0.1

January 22, 2004 02:35 by matthaw

Version 0.1 of the NNTP Posting Plugin for NewsGator has been released.  This version includes basic support for replying to newsgroup posts as well as new posts to newsgroups.  Download and try this plugin out if you're looking for NNTP Posting support within NewsGator. Post improvments or bugs on this blog.

Download Now

A big thanks to Randy Morin with his help on the NNTP. Get Duding!

NNTP Posting

January 21, 2004 22:02 by matthaw

I've been looking the last few days on how to use .NET to post messages to NNTP.  My intentions are to create a NNTP posting plugin for NewsGator.  My research today left me with a good tutorial and code (in C#) on how to communicate with a NNTP server...however, whenever I attempt to post to my NNTP server it errors with a "503 - Command Not Recognized" message.  I'm just wondering if anyone has successfully been able to post items to a NNTP server with .NET, as well as, does anyone have any other good resources?  I realize they're are a few 3rd party NNTP components out there (IP* Works and Active Up) but since this would be a plugin for NewsGator, I couldn't be able to utilize those.  Any help would be appreciated.

Update: Randy (the author of the tutorial) just sent me some updated code.  In the Post() code, you shouldn't append the newsgroup, but rather just send a "POST" message.

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