eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Plugin Release: NNTP Posting from NewsGator v0.1

January 22, 2004 02:35 by matthaw

Version 0.1 of the NNTP Posting Plugin for NewsGator has been released.  This version includes basic support for replying to newsgroup posts as well as new posts to newsgroups.  Download and try this plugin out if you're looking for NNTP Posting support within NewsGator. Post improvments or bugs on this blog.

Download Now

A big thanks to Randy Morin with his help on the NNTP. Get Duding!


January 22. 2004 15:47

When I post a new item, it prompts for newsgroup and server.  What do I do if it's a server I need to log in to?  Does it access Newsgator's subscription information to log me in?

Also, to reply to a post, I selected the post and hit the "Post this Item" in the menu.  This opened up my editor with the previous text blocked per my Outlook settings as expected.  However, it left the subject the same (no "Re: ").  Did I do something wrong or is that the best way to reply currently.

I realize that this is 0.1, so I don't mean to criticize.  I'm impressed so far.  Keep up the great work!


January 22. 2004 15:54

I'm planning on reworking the whole thing, version 0.1 was just a proof of concept for me.  There are a TON of things that need to be enhanced, including authorization, configuration, etc. Look for v0.2 to be different.  Unless Greg can give me some insight on how to access the Newsgator information, all configuration will have be done in 2 places, unfortunately.

As far as the subject, I believe it is part of the RFC standard to leave the subject pretty much the same.  I believe it is optional to add the "Re:" in front, but per the standard it should be the same.

Matt Hawley

January 23. 2004 02:42

Matt, it should be possible to get this down to a case where you're not having to prompt for anything.  Email me offline and we can discuss it.

Greg Reinacker

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