eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Updated Utility: WebDeploy

March 19, 2004 19:50 by matthaw

Updated: Please View this post for the latest version.

WebDeploy has hit v0.7 with a ton of new features (yes again) that are even more appealing to developers.  This updated version is still the same simple windows application that it was, however it has yet again been beefed up tremendously.  Below is a screen shot of the new main form.

New Main Form for WebDeploy


Along with a new user friendly look to it, I've also re-done the profile configuration dialog so they're more user friendly to everyone. Below is a screen shot of the profile configuration.

Profile Configuration Dialogs for WebDeploy


Like always, I wanted to give you a teaser of the UI before I get to the good stuff, aka the changelog. So, here ya go...

  • New UI design for editing profiles.
  • Added new images to give a more user friendly environment.
  • Fixed old profile information is restored when "Cancel" is clicked when editing profiles.
  • Fixed blank profiles are no longer added when Cancelling a new profile creation.
  • Added deploying to ZIP files now supported, however backup/restore does not work.
  • Added ability to test FTP settings.
  • FTP information is now validated.
  • Added a new dialog and option to view files to be deployed prior to deploying.
  • Added ability to change the destination file name via dialog above.
  • Added ability to selectively choose files to be deployed via dialog above.
  • Added logging and ability to view log within WebDeploy.
  • Added command line functionality, however I had to split the application into 2 pieces.  WebDeploy.exe is the console app, that can call WebDeploy-GUI.exe if /u parameter is not specified.
  • Fixed random error message attempting to create directories via FTP.

Like always, WebDeploy is freeware, and the source code is not available.  If you have any further suggestions/comments/ideas/problems, please do not hesitate to contact me or post them on this blog post.

If you wish to download WebDeploy, click here. You will need the .NET Framework 1.1.4322 to run WebDeploy.

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Made it on Short Takes

March 17, 2004 17:24 by matthaw

I just received my latest "Developer Central" newsletter put together by Mike Gunderloy.  And much to my amazement, WebDeploy was featured in the "Short Takes" section.

"WebDeploy 0.6 is a tool to make moving ASP.NET solutions to servers easier. http://weblogs.asp.net/mhawley/archive/2004/03/08/85986.aspx"

Thanks Mike! I guess its time to setup a new page for WebDeploy :)

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Updated Utility: WebDeploy

March 8, 2004 20:02 by matthaw

Updated: Please View this post for the latest version.

WebDeploy has hit v0.6 with a ton of new features that are very appealing to developers.  This updated version is still the same simple windows application that it was, but it has been beefed up quite tremendously.  Below is a screen shot of the new main form

Main form of WebDeploy showing new UI

Now, for the good stuff...the stuff you've all been waiting for...the changelog:

  • Ability to upload files via FTP.
  • N-number of profiles that are easily switchable via the "File" menu.
  • New Profile configuration dialog that replaces the previous "Configuration" dialog.
  • N-number of FTP Profiles for each WebDeploy profile.
  • Added Last Modified Date Checking as an option.
  • Added a "Copied Files" dialog which will list the files copied during the last deployment.
  • Updated Version Checking with "On-Demand" checking via the "Help" menu.
  • Setup will automatically convert previous settings if you chose to retain your settings during the uninstall.
  • Executables are now obfuscated (sorry code sniffers).

Like I stated previously, I'm providing WebDeploy as Freeware, and the source code is not available, however, if anyone would like to help me in creating graphics to make the UI better, I would be open to letting you see the source.  Contact me if you would like to help.  Also, if you have any further suggestions/comments/ideas/problems, please do not hesitate to contact me or post them on this blog post.

If you wish to download WebDeploy, click here. You will need the .NET Framework 1.1.4322 to run WebDeploy.

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Why I Built WebDeploy

March 5, 2004 02:12 by matthaw

I've received multiple comments on why I developed WebDeploy rather than just using XCopy or VS.NET's inherint "Copy" tool.  I just wanted to take a brief moment to share why WebDeploy was built:

1. I wanted an easy to use tool that would allow me to deploy my personal and work web applications (or anything for that matter) without having to really think about it.
2. Most work environments require you to take the completed web applications and deploy them from a staging server, aka a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) server.
3. I like to use the GUI over the command line.
4. Deploy web applications easily across FTP (a feature soon to be added).

To explain #2 - in most work environments, developers use VS.NET on their local machines to build the applications. Then, a build script/process takes over to get a working build on a development server.  This is where the major problem comes into play...how do I get a build on UAT or on the Live server?  Well, almost all of the time, your UAT & Live servers don't have VS.NET installed...and more often than not, they don't have NAnt installed either...this means you have to manually copy the files from Development to UAT and then from UAT to Live.  Thats where WebDeploy fits in...it alleviates the headache of moving files from Development to UAT and then from UAT to Live servers.

To explain #4 - XCopy or VS.NET's "Copy" tool doesn't have FTP support.  Sure, the Whidbey version of "Copy" probably will have, but Whidbey is still a year out, what should we use until then?

So, I hope my explanation on why I built WebDeploy explains answers and gripes from those saying the same can be done with XCopy or "Copy"..because in practice, it really cant.

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New Utility: WebDeploy

March 5, 2004 00:01 by matthaw

Updated: Please View this post for the latest version.

I've finally put the finishing touches on my pet project over the last few weeks, and have released it to the public.  WebDeploy, is a small windows application that allows a developer to easily transfer files from one location to another based on extensions.  The tool has become a major workhorse in my daily work routine of deploying web applications, in which I only want to copy over images, webforms, or assemblies.

WebDeploy's main user interface.

As the above image shows, you define your source and destination folders by either typing the location or using the folder selection.  The source and destination textboxes (and folder selection) allows you to choose any available directory, either on your hard drive or on a file share (you can use UNC paths). An easily available checked listbox to the right allows you to select extensions you wish to deploy at the current time.  Further configuration of the application allows you to add/remove extensions, and also set your default selected extensions.  When you're ready to deploy your files, you can:

1) Click the "Deploy" button
2) Click "Tools" -> "Deploy" in the file menu
3) Hit F5

The configuration dialog for WebDeploy

The configuration dialog allows you customize WebDeploy to your needs.  In it, you can add any number of extensions you wish to copy at some point or another.  The left checked listbox allows you to choose your default selected extensions whenever the application loads.  You also have the option to copy empty directories, auto-fill your last used directories (when the application starts), and backup destination files prior to deploying.  The backup feature is really nice if you're copying a large amount of items, and you made a mistake.  Just by clicking the "Deploy" button again, the files are restored to their original items.

File Transfer Exceptions dialog for WebDeploy

The last dialog that is available, is an exceptions dialog.  If for some reason any file cannot be copied due to a thread being aborted, the file is in accessible because its currently in use, or you don't have permission, the information is logged.  The exceptions dialog will allow you view a listing of files and their exceptions for the last deployment during the current session.

I'm providing this application as freeware to anyone who wishes to use it, however source code is not available.  I'm planning on advancing the application to allow deployment via FTP in future versions, so those of you (me included) that don't have local access to your webserver will not be out in the cold.  I would also like to hear what else you wish to have included for WebDeploy.  I want this application to grow as a normal staple of every developers tool box...it's already grown to be a major tool in mine.

If you wish to download WebDeploy, click here.  You will need the .NET Framework 1.1.4322 to run WebDeploy.

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