Updated: Please View this post for the latest version.
WebDeploy has hit v0.6 with a ton of new features that are very appealing to developers. This updated version is still the same simple windows application that it was, but it has been beefed up quite tremendously. Below is a screen shot of the new main form
Now, for the good stuff...the stuff you've all been waiting for...the changelog:
- Ability to upload files via FTP.
- N-number of profiles that are easily switchable via the "File" menu.
- New Profile configuration dialog that replaces the previous "Configuration" dialog.
- N-number of FTP Profiles for each WebDeploy profile.
- Added Last Modified Date Checking as an option.
- Added a "Copied Files" dialog which will list the files copied during the last deployment.
- Updated Version Checking with "On-Demand" checking via the "Help" menu.
- Setup will automatically convert previous settings if you chose to retain your settings during the uninstall.
- Executables are now obfuscated (sorry code sniffers).
Like I stated previously, I'm providing WebDeploy as Freeware, and the source code is not available, however, if anyone would like to help me in creating graphics to make the UI better, I would be open to letting you see the source. Contact me if you would like to help. Also, if you have any further suggestions/comments/ideas/problems, please do not hesitate to contact me or post them on this blog post.
If you wish to download WebDeploy, click here. You will need the .NET Framework 1.1.4322 to run WebDeploy.