Well, I just finished installing VS.NET 2005 CTP, and first I have to say - great job on the installation VS.NET Team! This was the shortest install I've ever seen for VS.NET. It didn't eve look like the thing was installing, I thought I was still installing Pre-Reqs...but no - its done. Here were some of my first impressions/insights/notable items:
- The splash screen is funky, some text is overlayed on the image, and the separate images for whats installed look like crap...but I digress because it is a non-Alpha version.
- Upon the first launch, I had to choose some layout that I really didn't understand... and well, I chose the wrong one, and my solution explorer/class view were on the left, and toolbox was on the right. After trying to just drag them over there, I realized you had to make them sticky prior to moving it. Bug? I think so.
- I definately like the new look of it, very Office 2003 ish...though, I wish it could support my current theme like Office 2003 products.
- Startup time is tremendously faster...but I haven't opened up any projects yet, or started VS.NET with any projects, so who knows about that. It is much obliged on the speed increase though :)
- Some of the icons in the menus are still "old" looking. Its really hit & miss on which ones are updated and which ones are not. Am I really that picky?
- I'm definately diggin' all the new project types. You've really outdone yourself on these. Even the Excel and Word Applications/Templates are in there. I'm not really sure why I would want to use those, but I'm sure theres a reason.
- I like the option to automatically add a project into source control right when you're creating it. Saves a lot of headache later on when you're trying to figure out how to do it.
- So I launched up a Windows Forms app... I definately like the new look of the toolbox & tabbed items... Another thing to note, the grid lines are gone...and I really can't find out how to turn them on. I guess I'll just get used to not having them.
- Woah - the properties for a project got revolutionized...instead of a dialog window...now its all in the editor area. Very sweet lookin too. It does seem a little laggy switching between everything, but maybe thats just VPC for ya. Either way, still uber cool looking.
- When in Debug mode, and an exception is thrown, a very nice window is shown... Well, mostly nice - its using Magenta for most of the window...eek!
- I did get my first error message trying to preview data after I setup a data connection. Doh! Mental note...don't do that again.
- Dropping components with no UI is done just like before, however a nice Magenta (why magenta?) area is shown instead. Uber ugly, but I can live with it.
- Ohh - found some more magenta, the grid lines for the "Task List" are the pretty color we've all got to know and love.
Well, I think thats about it for tonight...very cool stuff.