eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

MCSD Gods are against me

April 30, 2004 16:58 by matthaw

Err, well another phone call the Thursday before my week of training confirms that it too, was cancelled. Maybe its a sign saying you should be a developer and only a developer - I really don't know why I want the MCSD other than the fact that it would be good to have. I mean, its not like I'm going to get a pay raise, or have my role changed at work. Maybe I'll just stick it on the back burner for now and ride on my MCAD at work (which btw has gotten me no where, gotta love companies who do that).

Okay, enough ranting for now, on to more important things...like reading blogs, and listening to the latest videos on Channel9, and seeing if there's any new stories on the Onion...did I say important?

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April 30. 2004 20:32

To pass the exam you don't need training, a good book, some knowledge, Transcender.

The 70-300 exam is easy if you can read all the questions and find the related info in the text.

Everything is all there!

Lorenzo Barbieri

April 30. 2004 20:58

70-300?  If you've shipped software, you'll do fine.  I was in the same spot, no chance of getting time to go over anything for it and so I got ticked and just signed up.  Took it cold the next day, and it was the easiest of the 4 I've taken to pass.  Think of it as a combination of reading comprehension and a test to see if you've actually been on a real software process.


April 30. 2004 22:09

I'll add my vote for the jump right into the 70-300 exam.  I thought it was a pretty fun exam (yes, I am a dork).  You knock that thing out, you are a hop-skip away from your MCSD.  

I'd recommend picking up the transcender for the exam to get used to the exam style of questioning with the drag and drop type stuff, but beyond that most people who've been working on software usually have no problem with the actual exam.

If you passed the XML Webservice and Components exam, this thing is cream cheese.

So along with Lorenzo, you've got two MCTs recommending that route Smile

Phil Scott

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