eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Linking Proclomation

January 6, 2005 18:56 by matthaw

I’ve just decided that from now on, the only links that will be found within my blog posts will be links of interest or personal intent. In other words, if I mention Microsoft – you won’t find that it’s linked to their website. However, don’t get pissed off if you see statements like “my custom controls” or “via Scoble” as those will contain links pertaining to my interest or personal intent.

Argue if you must that this breaks the blue-thumb (I figured blue was an appropriate color rather than green, as that indicates gardening) of blogging and providing linking. But dagnabbit, I’m tired of mentioning a company name then linking it, or mentioning a product, and linking it. You’re all bright people, if you really want to know the URL to a dLo product (previously mentioned), you know how to use Google.

This statement conforms with my own thoughts recently and doesn’t reflect anyone’s comments or anxieties towards me not linking within the last few posts. In reality, I just figured I’d post something that would spark some interest in people and possibly start a flame war – bring it on! However, I reserve the right to ignore the heck outta ya

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January 7. 2005 05:58

Your proclamation is devalued by your misspelling of the word proclamation.

I do kind of agree - writing a simple 100 word post can take an your with the linking, spell checking, etc. Now that you've eliminated linking (and presumably spell checking), you can zip through them!

Jon Galloway

January 7. 2005 05:58

Ah, the irony. I meant to say that a simple 100 word post can take an "hour". Spell checker would not catch such a thing.

Jon Galloway

January 7. 2005 07:32

I never said I could spell Smile

Matt Hawley

January 12. 2005 14:37

Boy... that sure didn't work oh well.. it was funny when I thought of it anyway.  Smile  I do agree with you though, I don't link much on my blog either for the same reason.

Paul Menefee

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