Ever got this message attempting to open a solution in VS.NET 2003? Well, the full error message is "The web server reported the following error when attempting to open or create the project at the following URL: The http redirect request failed." A co-worker ran across this multiple times on Friday, and got entirely fed up with the problem that he'd have to refresh the entire project from VSS or delete the /bin directory each time. I guess the root cause of this is something with the page named: "get_aspx_ver.aspx". After a call to MS, he came back with a solution:
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string ver = Request.ServerVariables["URL"].ToString();
if(ver.IndexOf("get_aspx_ver.aspx") >= 0)
After the previous code was added to the global.asax file, our solutions started opening without any problem.
[Previously Posted on old Weblog on August 18, 2003]