Okay, okay...I know Strongbad isn't real, and could never make an appearance anywhere (well short of a costume)...but I met the real life version at Walmart this eve. This story is true, it happened in front of me and my girlfriend, and in no way do I have any relation to HomeStarRunner.
So, at Walmart, this tall lanky old geezer was checking us out. Why he wasn't at home in bed is beyond me, but sure enough, he was working late and had an interesting way of entertaining himself. Normally when an item gets scanned you hear a "boop" noise (and if you've never heard this, then open your ears next time!), and this noise plays a major role in the story. So, here it is...the real life Strongbad story:
Strongbad: "Hey there, umm...alright, lets see there...doo doo doo, what ya got there"
Me: "Hi"
Strongbad: "Boop"
Strongbad: "Boop"
Strongbad: "Ohh, another one...Boop"
Strongbad: "This makes three...Boop"
Strongbad: "Boop"
Strongbad: "Okay, how about $17.25"
Me: "Umm, how about we shoot for $15?"
Strongbad: (chuckles, then turns towards the register - randomly points to some gift cards hanging there and mumbled) "Looky here, got some gift card for babies"
Strongbad: (still mumbling) "They got duckies on them...mmhmmhmm...thats weird"
Me: "Huh"
Strongbad: (still mumbling complete nonsese)
Me: "...Thanks..." (and I walk away astranged)
So yeah, if you improvise Strongbad's voice for whatever the Walmart man said, you'd get a good representation of why me and my girl friend laughed for about 10 min. all the way home. I think they're hiring anyone at Walmart thesedays, even cartoon characters.