eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Updated Utility: Unleash It 2.1.1

September 25, 2004 00:58 by matthaw

I've released a new version of Unleash It that fixes multiple problems that people were having. Most notably, exclusion of folders when a VS.NET project was the source was not possible. After re-working the code, this is now possible along with being able to view the files / folders to be deployed dialogs.


  • Added support for displaying folders / files to include for VS.NET Project Files as the source.
  • Added ability to name your FTP profiles.
  • Added checking to see if Unleash It is currently running during installation / uninstallation.
  • Fixed error when parsing a file mask with an underscore.
  • Fixed the logfile button being enabled after a deployment when that profile isn't using logging.
  • Fixed mis-spelling of "changed" in the logfile for FTP deployment.
  • Fixed directories not being excluded during a VS.NET Project deployment.

So, head on over to http://www.eworldui.net/unleashit to get your latest copy!

Categories: Unleash It
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September 27. 2004 13:04

Hi Matt

I upgraded to version 2.1.1 this morning when I got promted, and now I'm unable to deploy my project ( at least using UnleashIt ). It looks like the destination path is incorrect ( maybe an extra {1} or something ).

This occours when my destination is a directory, I haven't tried FTP or Zip File.

Søren Gregersen

September 27. 2004 14:49

What is your source?

Matt Hawley

September 27. 2004 14:53

Also, if you re-download Unleash It, I've placed 2.1 back up.

Matt Hawley

October 4. 2004 18:15

Where can I find the 2.1? (2.1.1 or doesn't seem to work for me.

Maybe it would be wise to encode the version number into filename of downlad file e.g. UnleashIt211.zip.


October 4. 2004 18:18

David, can be downloaded at http://www.eworldui.net/UnleashIt">http://www.eworldui.net/UnleashIt by clicking the image on the top right hand side.

i've thought about encoding the version number, however this means that some people link directly to the file which ultimately leads to people getting older versions. I personally have the setup files for each version >= 2.0 in case someone wishes to have an older version.

Matt Hawley

October 5. 2004 14:35

Sorry, I wasn't clear eoungh. doesn't work for me. Only some files get deployed. Do you know why? Will older version help? I figured that last version has a bug...


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