eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Becoming A Blue Badge

March 18, 2005 16:58 by matthaw

So today marks my two week notice to my current employer, Integrity Technology Solutions. Over the last two months, I’ve been interviewing with Microsoft and have accepted an offer for an Application Developer position in the SMS&P division (which, if you don’t know, is their Small & Medium Sized Businesses & Partner Program division).

Wow, its been such a journey to finally make it to my life long dream company, in fact it’s still a dream to me that I even got an offer. I personally set out in January to just submit my resume just so I couldn’t say I never did, and now my fiance and I will be making the westward-bound trek to Washington.

As far as my interviewing – 10 interviews, including 1 screening call, 2 phone interviews & 7 on site interviews, it was one hell of an arduous journey. I do have to say that the interview process was more hype in the community than it actually was. I didn’t get any crazy questions like “how many manhole covers are there in NY city” – but, I did receive 2 brain teasers.

So yeah, my last day is April 1, with a new start date of April 11. We’ll be moving probably on April 5 & 6th out to our temporary housing until we find more of a permanent residence. So, if your out there at the MS campus, maybe we’ll bump into each other. I’d definitely like to meet any of my MS readers, so you can always get in touch with me using the contact link to the left.

I will definitely be posting more about the entire process later, I just wanted to finally get the global world aware that I’ve gone to heaven, so to speak.

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March 18. 2005 18:11

Congrats!  (I'm sssooooooo jealous!)

We EXPECT that you will continue blogging, but maybe over at blogs.msdn.com, eh?

Have fun!


March 18. 2005 18:21

Congratulations - hope eWorld UI will still continue Wink Just had an interview for an MS role myself today...can't stand the suspense...

Scott Galloway

March 18. 2005 18:23

Congratulations! I recently went through the interview process my self. Where are you moving from?

Eric Maino

March 18. 2005 18:33

Eric: You know I forgot to mention that, but Central Illinois - so a bit of a haul.

Steve: I will definately continue to blog, I just gotta see how I have to get my blog over to blogs.msdn.com

Scott: I have to run everything through Legal to make sure I'm not in a conflict of interest with Microsoft...I don't think it'll be an issue though.

Matt Hawley

March 18. 2005 18:36

Congratulations! Good luck at the new place ... Smile

Robert Hurlbut

March 18. 2005 20:06

Congrats, Matt!  You're going to rock the world over there.  I don't see you in SMS&LOLTTFNYMMV for too terribly long, though, as you seem destined for something closer to the main development product lines.  It'll still be awesome, though.  I look forward to your MS stories!  Good luck.

Ryan Whitaker

March 18. 2005 20:08

Ryan - Thats my actual goal, is to get into the ASP.NET product team. Thanks for your kind comments!

Matt Hawley

March 18. 2005 20:09

welcome aboard matt...look forward to seeing good things out of you!


March 18. 2005 22:17

I'll chime in with my own congrats to you and welcome to the beautiful Pacific Northwest I've done time as a contractor at MS and am working in Bellevue using UnleashIt! and the popup calendar to great advantage. Here's hoping you'll be able to continue evolving those tools.


March 19. 2005 05:41

WHOOT! Go Matt!

Kent Tegels

March 19. 2005 06:04

Congratulations Matt!  Welcome to the team...!  Don't worry, it is fun and challenging even if it is not a product group... Wink


March 19. 2005 06:44

Congratulations, Matt. We're going to miss you at the Chicago dinners. Good luck and keep us posted on how things are progressing.

Dave Bost

March 19. 2005 12:24

Woo Hoo!

Great to hear it. I've got high hopes that a company as smart as MS enables you to make even greater contributions to the .NET developer community.

Jon Galloway

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