eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Sadness with CNet Blogs

March 31, 2005 21:02 by matthaw
Okay, this blog post on CNet is just sad, they’re making fun of the fact that 2 kids in Kansas were going to swap an XBox for a .38–caliber revolver. It seems to me like their down playing the seriousness of the situation just a bit too much. I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but the CNet news articles, which are now blog posts are degrading and degrading fast. This is just another prime example, and I will seriously think about not reading anything that comes from CNet from now on.

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March 31. 2005 22:24

The "blog" on their site is very, very different and well separated from "news." I don't think it's a big deal. News.com still has the best sampling of general tech news of anyone.


April 1. 2005 07:01

I work for CNET News.com (www.news.com). I certainly hope you can tell our blog posts apart from our stories. We don't let the standards slip, but we do range farther afield, in both content and tone. If anything on CNET News.com misses the mark, say so... either in a comment on the piece or by sending a TrackBack/Pingback ping to the piece in question.

Thanks for reading.

And, Jeff, whomever you are... thanks for the kind words. I hope we continue to earn your time.

John Roberts

CNET News.com product development

first name dot last name at cnet dot com

John Roberts

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