After contacting support for BackupPlus, they were of no help, or rather said for me to contact Microsoft directly to get help on the issue. Hah, right. I purchased your software which implies you supporting it…YOU contact Microsoft, not me. There’s some issue when registering components that they “say” works on their installation…heh, I doubt it does they just don’t know what the hell their doing.
So, what did I do? Well, I ditched BackupPlus for one (because I installed SP1 again), and for good this time, and doing what every developer does, created my own “ZipUp” utility. This merely takes in a semi-colon delimited listing of files to zip up as well as a location. It then does just that, zips up the files to a brand new zip file with a unique file name and stuck in the supplied directory. Sure, its not as elegant as BackupPlus, but you know what – it gets the job done!
Take that Avantrix…no link for you!