eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

There is an End to Everything...

August 12, 2005 08:31 by matthaw

Wow, it’s been awhile since I last blogged…I guess my new job has seriously been keeping me that busy. It’s unfortunate that I have to announce such a depressing moment after such a long absence…

If you’ve been to my website recently, you will already know this…but for the rest of you, tune in. I have a saddening problem that has really struck me home. The legal department at Microsoft has denied my outside employment for Excentrics World. This includes, continuing development of my custom server controls, stoppage of selling my custom server controls source code, and lastly (the heart-hitter) the inability to distribute my free compiled assemblies.

This sucks, it seriously does…as for the two and a half years, Excentrics World has provided the community with valuable tools, and this grand vision is fading quickly. The only light at the end of the tunnel that I can see, is that the ASP.NET Product group has to give the big thumbs up for my controls before I can even discuss things with the legal department again. Yes, this means getting in contact with the ASP.NET product group about things, which I hope will be a simplistic task – and possible savior.

However, I wish to get as much community support rallied behind Excentric’s World cause, so please head on over and Support the Controls. As my website says, please follow these three things in the meantime…

1. Abide by my legal bounds by not distributing the controls yourself
2. Be patient
3. And lastly, Support the Controls

Thank you to the entire ASP.NET Community, it’s been a pleasure serving you.

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August 12. 2005 10:28

So sorry to hear this, Matt. Of course some of it's selfish, but I really feel bad for you after all the time you've put into these excellent controls. Of course I've signed your petition; let me know if there's anything else I can do.

Jon Galloway

August 12. 2005 12:26

Another solution: leave Microsoft.

If they want to be such a pain, why stay with them? I'm quite sure you can find many companies that would let you do your own thing aside.


August 12. 2005 15:31

What a shame.  I know you've put in a lot of hard work into these components.  I imagine there have been a lot of developers who have benefited from your work (myself included).  I also imagine this must be very difficult for you.  I hope this all gets resolved in a way that benefits you and the developer community.

David Neal

August 12. 2005 15:41

Ouch, that is a little harsh.  Was this a post hire event?  I hope they gave you some heads up.  

Anyway, I have really enjoyed your components and it's sad to see them forcefully reducing some of your contributions to the community.  I'm sure many will keep an eye out on your sites in case the situation with MS ever changes.

Chad Humphries

August 13. 2005 00:44

That's really unfortunate man... employment contracts are sometimes a necessary evil, and sometimes an unnecessary hindrance.  Maybe they just want you to integrate the controls into Whidbey SP1 Smile


August 13. 2005 01:34

Matt, I really regret this news. I have always appreciated your efforts in the free controls world. Your free PopupCalendar has been a worthy entry in the DatePicker category. I hope you are able to find common ground with Microsoft or at least are able to utilitize your skills within their organization to continue the betterment of our community.

Peter Blum

August 17. 2005 22:37

Hard luck Matt.  I have made use of your controls quite a bit... excellent work... if only i had printed the sample code before now... Frown

Paul Leamy

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