eWorld.UI - Matt Hawley

Ramblings of Matt

Released: Excentrics World Server Controls v2.0.3

November 1, 2006 14:52 by matthaw

I'm happy to announce that Excentrics World Server Controls has hit version 2.0.3. This version focuses primarily on Microsoft AJAX Extensions, Beta 1 support enabling developers to utilize the Excentrics World Server Controls through a compatibility layer. The full change-list is as follows:

  • Full compatibility with Microsoft AJAX Extensions, Beta 1.
  • Added support for applying the ToolTip to the title hyperlink in the CollapsablePanel.
  • Added support for a valid alpha or numeric character within the MaskedTextBox using the character 'x' as the indicator.
  • Fixed issue where setting the calendar width was not applying correctly in the CalendarPopup.
  • Fixed issue where selecting the same date/time would raise client side events in the CalendarPopup and TimePicker.
  • Fixed issue where setting the Page Culture to something other than en-US would not display the calendar correctly in the CalendarPopup.
  • Fixed issue where special day styling was not being applied correctly to weekdays and weekends in the CalendarPopup.
  • Fixed issue with Internet Explorer when the control is contained within a scrollable div in the CalendarPopup and TimePicker.

For information regarding the compatibility mode with Microsoft AJAX Extensions, Beta 1, please view the Read Me document installed with the setup utility.

The updated version can be downloaded by visiting http://www.eworldui.net/Download.aspx. The official build number for this release is


November 2. 2006 02:04

Matt, I dont follow the this (excerpted from the end of ReadMe.htm file):

2. If you are using 3b's method on your pages, you must follow 3a's method for utilizing any of Excentrics World's derived validation controls for use with the Calendar Popup and TimePicker. These controls derive from the Microsoft AJAX compatible controls for use within UpdatePanel's.

Could you clarify?

Thank you!

Michael Teper

November 2. 2006 02:07

Also, the tag is "tagMapping" rather than "tagMappings".

Michael Teper

November 2. 2006 05:11

I assume you're referring to the readme for integrating w/ Microsoft AJAX?


November 2. 2006 05:15

Michael, in other words because the validation controls derive from the Microsoft AJAX compatibility validation controls, you cannot place them in the tagmapping for overriding the original Excentrics World validation controls. You'll receive an error indicating that the validation control doesn't derive from the Excentrics World server control.


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