I took my Lambda based RedirectToAction solution I previously blogged about and updated it to work against the Preview 3 bits. I also took the liberty to fix the bug where you couldn't actually call another controller's action. Some notable changes in the source, is that ActionRedirectResult is no more - as it's replaced with RedirectToRouteResult. I think this was a good consolidation between RedirectToAction and RedirectToRoute since they basically do exactly the same thing. You'll also notice that there are 3 more extension methods, which was necessary to fix the prior bug. Now, you can write code like
1: // for actions off of the current controller
2: return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Login());
3: return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Login("matt"));
5: // alternatively, within the UserController you can do the following
6: return this.RedirectToAction<ProductController>(c => c.View(102));
I'm not going to post the entire code sample as you can download it here. Enjoy it, and let me know of anything else you'd like to see.