How many of you have ever had to make some webpages that have page breaks. (Raising Hand!)
Ahh, I see a lot of you have raised your, keep you hand up if you've never known how to do this. (Still Raising Hand!)
Uhh huh, still a lot of you I see. Well, worry no more. As I was printing off my vouchers for our upcoming vacation to Florida, I noticed that the page broke at specified areas for printing. So, like a normal interested developer, I had to do a "View -> Source" to see how they did it...are you ready for it?
<DIV HEIGHT=6 STYLE="page-break-after:always"> </DIV>
Simple, isn't it. Now, I'm wondering how supported this is across different browsers...
PS - you can put your hands down, you're starting to stink up the blogosphere